
tl;dr Here is my new blog William the Samaritan and Twitter.

Well, after 4 years I can’t imagine there is anyone out there who still remembers who I am. Certainly none of the very few people who subscribed to this page are still wondering why my posting stopped. I didn’t go dark so much as light. I decided to engage irl, well at least as me—especially during the days of the Corona Doom. I was disappointed that many Rightists bought into the industrial-political-media construct that was and still is Pandemic Inc. Those who claimed to see through so much Globo Homo propaganda, were set into a panic about this one. (Atheists seemed most susceptible, proving that fear of death is a great motivator for those who fear death as the end of their existence.) I was never much hand at writing on current events, though. I generally can’t keep up, and I didn’t see much value in griping anonymously about it with people I don’t really know or live near. So, I spent the initial Lockdown and the following months, as various experiments in expertocratic tyranny were rolled out over our once great liberty, I spent these days making friends and family enraged by posting counter-factuals to the dominant narrative, primarily on Facebook. I found that the present urgency of the event demanded that whoever was willing to, to publicly speak some reason in the face of the madness. If for no other reason than to discomfort the compliant.

It was only a year ago that the Canadian trucker convoy rolled out from my home on Vancouver Island toward Ottawa. I had been participating in weekly rallies at the Legislature building in Victoria; the Great Canadian Honkening had started here a few months before with a car rally driving around the city honking as they went. This movement began at our rallies when supporters who would not make a public stand honked their support as they passed the anti mandate protestors lining the street. For several weeks before the convoy, big trucks and rigs would show up at the BC Leg and honk for hours as people gathered by the thousands-more than 10,000 estimated at one of our rallies. It was an impressive rebellion against an insane escalation of medical tyranny from amongst an otherwise virtuously compliant Canadian population. Though there were costs born by others that I did not pay myself, across the country, and especially in Ottawa, I was glad I played some small part, showing up and challenging people in my daily life for their inhumanity. I honestly believe this movement culminating in the Canadian trucker convoy and rally was the beginning of the end for the hot expression of the Covid Regime, but that will have to be left for the historians to determine. And we know they always tell the truth.

But now to the point of this final post. Though silent here, I have been doing a great deal of thinking, writing and calculating over the past few years and have begun to publish some of my thoughts and discoveries on Substack. The platform is a little more user friendly, and is where all the indy kids are these days. My content there is specifically on Christian natural philosophy and spirituality. I did some of that here, but I am dropping the Eurocentrism in favour of a particularly integral traditional Catholic perspective. I have come to realize that Europeans are being judged for apostasy and decadence, and no amount of rallying the white tribes as White Tribes will save us from our plight. White people not governed by Christ are wretched beasts, as are all people left in their natural state after the fall without commitment to holiness of life and the infusion of sanctifying grace.

I am actually just trying to convert to the Catholic Church, having come to the conclusion that Protestantism on the whole is erroneous in doctrine and practice through its spirit of rebellion. Yet, the Novus Ordo catholic sect birthed at Vatican 2 is effectively intramural Protestantism. I quite honestly wish this were not the case; I really just want to join the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church. that of Saints Athanasius, Basil, John of Damascus, and John Chrysostom. Part of what I have started doing on the new blog is to work through these issues of my conversion to Catholicism, which is a sincere conversion to the Church established by Christ, and coming to the point of realizing it was time to surrender in obedience to the teaching authority of the only truly Apostolic Church, that my Protestant predisposition to decide what I will and what I will not believe was wicked error. It was very disappointing to find out the reason I always looked sideways at the contemporary Roman church is that it should be looked at sideways. It has debased itself in faith, doctrine and morals from top to bottom. Most Novus Ordo parishes are indistinguishable from Lutheran or Anglican ones. The question I am currently working through is do I join that church and join the traditional resistance within it, or do I join in with the Sedevacantists. I do not savor this later choice, though it is increasingly presenting as the most faithful way to remain integral to my conversion.

My completed conversion came through some discoveries I made in natural philosophy. That’s what they called Science’s progenitor, before that rebellious child, conceived by fornication with the Enlightenment, broke away from the integrated Christian natural philosophical tradition. The rebellion was an attempt to escape the divine implications of metaphysics, positing the material monad, the self-perpetuating realm consisting only of mater and its emergent energies. I have made several discoveries, empirical in content but rational in method, that make room for a very different conception of Being: physical and metaphysical. By these methods I have discovered the necessary meta-material presence of God right in the material realm. The Protestant Rebellion in both its inter- and intra-mural forms depends on and is inspired by the Newtonian gravitational naturalism of Modernity. Though Newton very likely was not a Newtonian—a true material naturalist—in the sense of the tradition which bears his name. But you will have to follow the blog or buy my book if you want to see how I have come to such outrageous conclusions.

My new blog handle is William the Samaritan; you can also follow me on Twitter. I do not mean to imply that I am a good Samaritan, Instead, like the woman at the well, I was raised in a rebellious cult isolated from the true Church and this has lead me to falter in sin and error. I hope one day soon to be William the Catholic. The blog will have various content, some natural philosophy and mathematics, some theological contemplation over the path of my conversion, and some continued work on Christian discipleship and contemplative practice. This later work I began on FOLKWAYS several years ago as a Lenten devotion on the Beatitudes. I have continued with this work over the years, and can give personal testimony that these eight couplets of Jesus comprise a true mystery of discipleship. If properly oriented toward them in contemplation and living practice, their spiritually logical structure can bring order to a disordered soul. As you will see if you come over and look I reject the division between God and and material science, or contemplation, and the implied Gnostic dualism we have lived under for the past few centuries. We have too long lived under the illusion that the materialists had the better argument. they quite simply have been better at exercising will to power posing as will to truth. I believe I am beginning to make a unique case for a revival of the ancient Christian tradition of the Catholic divines and doctors, that we cannot rightly understand, even the material realm without including the presence of God in our contemplation. If God is, and is the maker and continued sustainer of the cosmos, then His presence there must be witnessed in a properly oriented contemplation of the material being of the cosmos.

If you have read this through, thank you kindly. If you have similar content, or are aware of similar content from others, I would appreciate notification. I am looking for informed critique of my work, especially the mathematical and natural philosophical demonstrations. I would like to work within a research context. From my memory there was something like this developing in the Reactosphere around ten years ago, and I was on the unwashed fringe of that ‘school’. These are strange days indeed, and only getting stranger. Yet, our Master is ever ready to restore us if we will empty ourselves to be restored only in Him. There has been far too much attempt to make Christianity into a social utility on the Right. This is damnable folly. I was guilty of it myself, if I am honest. For the public record, I now anathematize that presumption.


William the Samaritan

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